Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Lately I have not been able to write in my blog (which I am sorry for since) because I had to work on my P.E. project and it's due tomorrow but luckily I finished it. On sunday I went to Ultimate and had a 50 liter's fun since we had so many people and with that we did 3 teams. On monday I went to school again after what seamed like ages we had to do a test of 137 questions and then on Tuesday we had to finish it which took a long time. Then after school we went to soccer after witch really was for ages since it's been rainy so much here. After my dad told me we could only go to 4 more games then we had to leave I realized how little time it seems like I've been here and am sooooooooo sad to leave all my friends but at the same time I am sooooooo happy to see my old friends. Then in the evening we plan to have a writer from the NY times over so that will be cool.


  1. Hey, Oscar,

    I know that I've told you this before, but I so appreciate the details and photos that give me a good sense of what you have been doing. Thanks for taking (or making) the time to write your blogs in the midst of homework, soccer, ultimate, birthday parties, and all the rest. What was your P.E. project on?

    I thought that it was so cool that you, Wilhelmina, and your dad got to play on the same ultimate team and even worked together for a winning goal! Three cheers for Team Graff!

    Sooooooooooo sad and soooooooooo happy at the same time. Such a bittersweet feeling for you. To a lesser extent, of course, I'm having some similar feelings, and I wasn't in San Cristobal for nearly as long as you have been.

    Love you,

    1. it was on ultimate and I just learned that I got a ten! (out of ten)

  2. Thanks for the update, Oscar! I know you'll be sad to leave, but what an adventure you've had. Something you will NEVER forget. Hoping to see you soon.

    1. yeah I totally won't forget my friends I'm going to get some photos

  3. Oh, I'm of course selfishly glad that you are leaving because...it means that you will be here soon! Smally's knee is all better so this time he can play with you. And we will be all moved into our new house by then. Plus there are beautiful mountains near here...so yes, it will be sad to leave but so many people are looking forward to your return!

    1. yeah I can't wait to play with smallie and can't wait to see you guys too!

  4. Leaving Mexico will be bittersweet, but at least you can look forward to seeing your old friends again. Now you have friends in two places.

    Was the NY Times writer coming to your house or your school?

    1. yeah that will be nice to remember them and we just had her over since we wanted to meet her so she came over to our house
