Sunday, June 16, 2013

On Thursday, (the day before yesterday) we were all getting ready to go to Comitan which was the next day. (They had informed us on Monday but I'm jumping ahead to Thursday and Friday.) At first it cost 185 pesos to go there in the truck which really sucked because that meant that a lot of my friends wouldn't go and I would almost go alone. But then they lowered it 120 and a lot more of my friends came. The plan was that we would take whoever we wanted in our car to lower the price even more (to 15 pesos). So we decided to take Ricardo, Anna, Claudio, Lore and obviously my family. But then we learned on Friday (the day we had to go) that Anna couldn't come when Ricardo's family came to drop him off. We were running a little late but we finally we got to the parking lot of Soriana where we were going to pick up Lore and Claudio. On the way there we listened to music and had a lot of fun. We also talked about my going-away party and what we should do. Claudio said it should be for two days. When we finally got there we ate our sandwich, drank our juice and downed our brownies that I made that were 2 times the normal size because I put in two brownie packs instead of one but as a result before we went we were scrambling to put the brownies in their bags. We first went to the ecological room were we learned ecological stuff (the usual). Then the planetarium which was the best part of all. Then eat, and finally the puppet show about global warming. When we were going back to San Cristobal it was less fun since we didn't listen to as much music so me and my friends decided we could just sing them (cheezily) but it was still fun. Then after I got home I had scheduled a play date with Leo (Leonardo is his full name but we all call him Leo) and so we played video games then Zombie were you have to kill the zombie and then more video games. We also played with his chihuahua Lisa. Then at like nine I went home. The next day we went to Grutas Mamut with Doña Lesbia's family to 3:00 or so but while we were there we played football (soccer) and Ultimate and we went into the cave that the place was named after. It was HUGE; it just kept going and going and going. There were three parts but we only got to the the second part because the third part you had to have ropes and you had to climb up. On Sunday we celebrated Father's Day and we got some yummy pastries and the French bakery then we went to Ultimate. Here are some photos: ENJOY!


  1. Sounds like a great field trip. The insects are amazing. What is happening in the first photo with the white stuffed animal?

  2. A two-day going-away party: yes. Definitely.


    1. Yeah but my dad won't let me so Ricardo said that first we could sleep at my house then his it a good idea! ")

  3. Excellent way to look at life and sleep and moving from place to place. It's like the other definition of party. "How many in your party today, sir?"
