Thursday, October 11, 2012

When we got out of school we didn't have much time to go to soccer before going to my dad's presentation at a high school for nurses. Also between Mina feeling sick and having to ride a taxi to Sedem (on our own) we didn't go to soccer. 

We had some awkward moments before the class while we waited for the key to get into the room. While we were waiting, we had to stand around outside with some juniors while we talked English to one kid. My sister and me went to the library to play on the phone, eat some chips and sip some soda while my dad did the presentation. Then after my dad's presentation we went and watched my mom dance. Then at home we had a nice time relaxing.


  1. Do you have soccer every day after school (except when it's raining too hard or you have to catch up with your dad)? It seems like you and your sister are playing more often than in Salt Lake. If that's so, I'll bet you are developing some new skills, Oscar.

    Is your mom taking a dance class? Teaching dance? Have you seen any dances as part of local celebrations?

    Just think ... fig marmalade before long!

    1. No we just go to soccer on tuesdays and thursdays but go rock climbing (usually just me) on monday's, wednesday's and fridays. Yeah my mom is taking dance class on the same field we do soccer practice but under a big roof with open sides so it's kinda windy. We haven't seen any traditional dances really.
