Saturday, October 20, 2012

On Wednesday, I moved up a grade at school. It was kind of a blur to me, because one second I was in my class, and the next second I was talking to the teacher to see if I could move up. I wanted to move up because most of the stuff that I was studying in my class I was already familiar with and I was wishing I could go up a grade to have more of a challenge. Also, in fifth grade they were my kind of peeps because they basically had ACDC on their phones so it was all cool with me. It's kind of funny to think of how easy I got into fifth grade because in Salt Lake you would have to talk to a counselor, a teacher, the principal and do paperwork upon paperworks.

On Thursday, Maya's mom came to talk to us about sexuality which was kind of awkward since our class is made up of all boys and one girl (but luckily the girl wasn't there that day). She talked about how the relationship you have with your mom and dad and how you love them is different than when you love someone like a girlfriend or boyfriend or wife or husband. She also talked about how when babies come out, the first thing they usually see is their mom, which is why they have a very strong relationship with their mom, at least usually. I didn't get to listen to too much of it because my tummy was really hurting. I went down to the office and they gave me a pill to make me feel better. It felt better for a while, but then hurt again so I asked them to call my dad to see if he could come pick me up. My tummy hurt so bad one time that I started to cry. When my dad arrived he talked to me about how bad my belly felt and thought about going to a doctor. I basically stayed home, watched some videos and played some video games because I didn't want to do anything else. But then at one particular moment while I was at home my tummy felt worse than ever and so I went to the bathroom to see if I was going to vomit. When I vomited I felt really bad and shaky because it was trying to suck out the bad thing from my body and it took all my energy. Then a little while after I ate, I threw that up also. I felt really bad after both times, because not only did I throw up I was also really tired.

On Friday, I stayed home from school and basically did the same thing I did the day before, except for the throwing up part, luckily.

On Saturday I had a soccer game at nine and then stayed home for Mina's soccer game. Then after we cleaned up around the house, my sister's friend Lore came over and she and my sister worked on their project about pregnancy for Wednesday. While they were working, I worked on my volcanoes of Germany project that I have to present on Wednesday, too, because each month we all have to make a presentation in front of the principal and our classmates. I also have a sculpture of a volcano at the school and I am using a bottle and a cork and covering it with paper mache and letting it dry in the sun and I'll put baking soda and vinegar in the bottle so the cork pops off. And I'm also going to put a thin layer of paper mache so it explodes and looks like rocks. I'm also going to paint the cork black so it looks like a rock when it flies in the air. After we worked we went out to eat at a very good Italian restaurant and had some yummy pizza with Lore. Then we went to see some Russian skaters in a large crowd in front of the Cathedral.

Sorry it took me so long to post this. My mother is typing this so it is longer than my usual ones.


  1. An eventful few days, Oscar. Hope you're completely recovered from your stomach bug by now.

    I'm curious about your volcanoes of Germany project. I didn't even know there *were* any volcanoes in Germany. Tell me more! And I hope you will share pictures or video of the volcano in action.

    1. Congratulations on your rapid progress, Oscar! You would have had to do a lot of paperwork in SLC, for sure. I was sorry to hear that you were feeling so terrible, but you must have made a quick recovery to be able to play soccer on Saturday morning. Way to go, Mr. O.

      I vote with Keir. Send us videos of your German volcano in action.

      See you before long!!
