Monday, August 20, 2012

Today was the first day of school and we were really nervous. After we arrived it wasn't clear which room I was supposed to be in, but after a little talking we figured out which room I was suppose to be in.  It took a little while to get used to all the rules and the people, but by the end of the day I knew  most of the names of my classmates and most of the rules. My classmates were really nice, but it took me awhile to get used to them even though they were nice.

Another cool thing was that there was a Canadian boy, Ulrich, in my class that was a year younger than me. I had to help him with his Spanish because he knew almost nothing. By the end of the day he was so frustrated that he started crying. Later in the day, the teacher talked with his father to see if he was going to get some extra classes and say all the teachers were going to help him more.

Wilhelmina wasn't so fortunate because her classmates weren't all so nice but by the end of the day she had met some nice ones. After school, we got some ice cream and then went home so Wilhelmina could do her homework. Meanwhile my Dad and I went to buy soccer shoes for me. He also decided to look for some indoor soccer shoes for himself, but sadly there weren't any large enough, so we went home.
Here's the picture of us before school.
               Here I am jumping on the 

 trampoline after school, with Paloma and Ulysses.


  1. I don't know if I've ever seen you two look so formal! You deserve a citation for being the best dressed person on a trampoline (according to your very objective Papa)!

    That's great that you were able to help Ulrich, Oscar. You've got a generous spirit, and I can only imagine what it meant to your new friend to have some help.

    Love, Papa

    1. yeah but the suite is really hot! Thanks it was hard at the beginning because Ulrich still didn't know me very well.

  2. I just logged on to say the same thing as Papa Tom--way to go, Oscar, for helping a classmate in need. And way to go, being brave enough to go to a new school in a new country...with a new language!

    Sorry your dad has such big feet, though.
