Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Today we had to play soccer again funnily enough almost half the kids weren't there!Today he told us to practice chipping it.We had some trouble but at the end of the day we both got it.After that I decided not to go climbing.Then after we ate lunch we played more hearts.


  1. I just bookmarked your blog and read back through it from the start. Love it. I have a question on this one--what is chopping? Sounds painful for the soccer ball. Oh, and congrats on taking a prize on the climbing wall! It sounds like you're having a good time so far!

    GYMAHFM (Give Your Mom a Hug From Me), Sherri

  2. sorry it got auto corrected and i will give my mom a hug from you

    1. i changed chopping to chipping -- that is where you kick the ball high.

    2. You can tell how little I know about soccer that I didn't know that was a typo.

  3. For a long time, chipping was Felix's favorite thing to practice. Lately he likes to shoot for power--I can really feel it when he smacks one into me. (Sometimes I duck!) And we saw a really nice chipped goal on Sunday, when we saw AS Roma (an Italian team) play Zaglebie Lubin (a Polish team) at Wrigley Field. Usually the Cubs play baseball there, so it was very strange to see soccer instead!

    All this soccer talk makes me wish our families could play together...I love hearing all of your updates, Oscar, so please keep them coming.

  4. yeah chipping is fun and how are Cosmo and Felix doing in soccer?

  5. They both had great seasons last year, but we've hardly played this summer. It has been so HOT in Chicago that we don't feel like running around. But they both love to play and work hard to get better. I can't wait for fall...

    1. me too it's scorching here but interrupted by rainy periods.
