On the day of my going away party (even though it wasn't going to be the last time we saw each other) which was on Saturday The first thing that we did was have a Nerf battle with Juan, Leo, Ricardo and Claudio. Most of them brought guns so we had more than my 4. Then after some awesome battles we went to El Punto and we ate really yummy pizza. After we had our bellies full, we went to a Ciber which is a place where you can play Xbox. At first we played Halo, while Claudio played call of duty. Then we tried playing call of duty but it didn't work, so when our hour was up my dad went to talk to the manager to see if he could give us another half an hour free. Finally at eight or nine we went home to have ANOTHER Nerf battle which was REALLY FUN (the first one was too). Then at about eleven we watched Avatar. BUT... before that, we lit off some fireworks which were paper airplanes with a firework attached. (I forgot to get videos, but here's a picture of what it looks like and how it flies.)
I'm a 9 year-old American living in Mexico who loves all German things. This blog is about me, my sister, my mom, my dad, our two cats, and my life in Mexico.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Mi fiesta de despedida
On the day of my going away party (even though it wasn't going to be the last time we saw each other) which was on Saturday The first thing that we did was have a Nerf battle with Juan, Leo, Ricardo and Claudio. Most of them brought guns so we had more than my 4. Then after some awesome battles we went to El Punto and we ate really yummy pizza. After we had our bellies full, we went to a Ciber which is a place where you can play Xbox. At first we played Halo, while Claudio played call of duty. Then we tried playing call of duty but it didn't work, so when our hour was up my dad went to talk to the manager to see if he could give us another half an hour free. Finally at eight or nine we went home to have ANOTHER Nerf battle which was REALLY FUN (the first one was too). Then at about eleven we watched Avatar. BUT... before that, we lit off some fireworks which were paper airplanes with a firework attached. (I forgot to get videos, but here's a picture of what it looks like and how it flies.)
Saturday, June 22, 2013
On monday we had a father's day party at school but then everybody left so we left too. We took Ricardo home and we took mina to laure's house to ''work'' on her magazine, me and Ricardo did some errands with my dad then we just played and after that he came to the piano lessons with us but before that we lit off fireworks (i'm trying to put ammunition in them for example: a rocket base after the powder burnt away but I put a firwork in it to try to make it fly, but it didn't work but my dad is going to help me). After we went to the hotel of ricardo's parent's we drank a really yummy capuchino. Then we went to sleep it rained so we didn't go to soccer, then later we just went to school :)
Sunday, June 16, 2013
On Thursday, (the day before yesterday) we were all getting ready to go to Comitan which was the next day. (They had informed us on Monday but I'm jumping ahead to Thursday and Friday.) At first it cost 185 pesos to go there in the truck which really sucked because that meant that a lot of my friends wouldn't go and I would almost go alone. But then they lowered it 120 and a lot more of my friends came. The plan was that we would take whoever we wanted in our car to lower the price even more (to 15 pesos). So we decided to take Ricardo, Anna, Claudio, Lore and obviously my family. But then we learned on Friday (the day we had to go) that Anna couldn't come when Ricardo's family came to drop him off. We were running a little late but we finally we got to the parking lot of Soriana where we were going to pick up Lore and Claudio. On the way there we listened to music and had a lot of fun. We also talked about my going-away party and what we should do. Claudio said it should be for two days. When we finally got there we ate our sandwich, drank our juice and downed our brownies that I made that were 2 times the normal size because I put in two brownie packs instead of one but as a result before we went we were scrambling to put the brownies in their bags. We first went to the ecological room were we learned ecological stuff (the usual). Then the planetarium which was the best part of all. Then eat, and finally the puppet show about global warming. When we were going back to San Cristobal it was less fun since we didn't listen to as much music so me and my friends decided we could just sing them (cheezily) but it was still fun. Then after I got home I had scheduled a play date with Leo (Leonardo is his full name but we all call him Leo) and so we played video games then Zombie were you have to kill the zombie and then more video games. We also played with his chihuahua Lisa. Then at like nine I went home. The next day we went to Grutas Mamut with Doña Lesbia's family to 3:00 or so but while we were there we played football (soccer) and Ultimate and we went into the cave that the place was named after. It was HUGE; it just kept going and going and going. There were three parts but we only got to the the second part because the third part you had to have ropes and you had to climb up. On Sunday we celebrated Father's Day and we got some yummy pastries and the French bakery then we went to Ultimate. Here are some photos: ENJOY!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
On Saturday I had a soccer game at Sedem while Mina stayed home. At first the Profe didn't show up and the other problem was that only four of the other team did and the fact that it had just rained made the field basically a HUGE brown puddle right in front of the goals and almost all the field. Then like 30 minutes later no more players had shown up and Profe didn't either. So the other team just left. So in the end I had no game. Then the rest of the day we just relaxed. On Sunday Me and my dad walked around town to find a place to play xbox with claudio Then After 2 HOURS!!!! we finally found it. Then Later we picked up Claudio and took him to ultimate and there we rode our bike's and practiced a little I only played like 20 minutes since Claudio didn't want to play but I caught an awesome catch That i'm REALLY proud of. Then of course on monday we had to go to school again.
Friday, June 7, 2013
On thursday (yesterday) It was raining so we didn't have soccer but we went to sedem anyways since we wanted to play ultimate nobody came except till and miguel who are really nice. At the beginning we practiced diving for the disc which was really hard and since it just rained we got really muddy. Then towards the end we played monkey in the middle and finally when it started to rain again we had to go.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Lately I have not been able to write in my blog (which I am sorry for since) because I had to work on my P.E. project and it's due tomorrow but luckily I finished it. On sunday I went to Ultimate and had a 50 liter's fun since we had so many people and with that we did 3 teams. On monday I went to school again after what seamed like ages we had to do a test of 137 questions and then on Tuesday we had to finish it which took a long time. Then after school we went to soccer after witch really was for ages since it's been rainy so much here. After my dad told me we could only go to 4 more games then we had to leave I realized how little time it seems like I've been here and am sooooooooo sad to leave all my friends but at the same time I am sooooooo happy to see my old friends. Then in the evening we plan to have a writer from the NY times over so that will be cool.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
On Tuesday I learned that it was claudio's birthday on friday so, on thursday after school but before soccer I went to a shop that we saw on sunday or saturday and ordered a dog tag for him since he had been wanting one really badly. So they said it would be done at 8 that day but when my dad went the next day it wasn't done then he went back again and said they had lost the card with the name that was supposed to be printed on the dog tags. Then after a while they finally got it. My dad also brought me my new bike that he had bought for me since renting was extremely expensive, then we all went to the motor cross course and rode our bikes there and had races that were really fun. Then when we went home we played with megabloks (kinda like lego) and then ate cake. And then at like ten they told us to come down and drink our coffee with sugar and milk. After that we watched real steel a really good movie and finally went to bed at like 3 or 4 then at 8 went to ride our bikes again. On saturday night after chilaxing (resting) we went to my dad's soccer tournament and they lost 2-0 but then after, we went and watched the new star trek that is reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy good.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
This week we didn't have school on wednesday just because...um... mexico's awesome. So anyways I invited my friends Claudio and Ricardo over because it was perfect since my sister wasn't home (no offense mina, since you probably would have been bored anyways) and we had the day off. Claudio came first but before he confirmed that he would come I was skeptical that he would come, because he hadn't been coming to school. I later learned that it was because he had been bitten by a dog that had some infection so they had to give him shots and he was recovering after all of them.
When he came we ate lunch and then painted eggs that we had hollowed out and were later going to put sand in. Then after they went, we had a nice dinner. Here are some pictures.

When he came we ate lunch and then painted eggs that we had hollowed out and were later going to put sand in. Then after they went, we had a nice dinner. Here are some pictures.

Sunday, May 12, 2013
This sunday before we went to soccer we went to go get a soccer uniform for me. I wanted a Mexican jersey but they didn't have one, but then my dad found a Bayern Munich uniform that I really liked so I decided to get that one and keep looking for another mexican uniform another time. Then since it was mother's day and we were out mom chose Hanasho (the sushi restaurant) and had a really good time there while we gave her cards that we made and talked. Then for a little bit we looked for traditional indigenous shirts for my mom and sister. Then after it started to sprinkle we went home. Then at four we went to ultimate and I went with my new uniform. Later we learned that a tree had fallen and that there wouldn't be passage until 5-6 hours later. Then we heard that we could go but to do that we all had to go and push it off the road, so we ran down there but by the time we went down there it was already moved so we just went back to playing Ultimate. Then we had a good dinner.
here's a picture of me with my new uniform!
here's a picture of me with my new uniform!

Saturday, May 11, 2013
my first school sleepover and our trip to sima las cotorras
On Friday I went to school my backpack filled to the top with marshmallows, chocolate, extra clothes and other stuff. The reason why I was packed with all these things was because I was going to have a sleepover at the school with all my friends and I couldn't miss a chance like that, could I? At nine or so we (all of primary) got into the principal's van and went to los humedales it's like a small lake and they built little tent like things (except more open) around the lake and you do activities and stuff like that I found it kind of boring but that was because we sent two hours in the same activity and it was EXTREMELY BORING!!!!!!!! Then at two we went back to school. Then at two thirty I had my first example of THE BEST FRIJOLES AND CARNE ASADA EVER!!!! ( THE BEST FRIJOLES AND MEAT EVER!!!!) Then from three to three thirty there was a bicycle race which I filmed with the camera my dad lent to me but it's kinda shaky so sorry. Oh everybody crashes well almost everybody and the winner was Claudio my friend I just didn't get the clip of him winning since Carlos crashed.
From four to five we swam in the pool and had the best water polo game ever! We tied 2-2 while the parents and principal watched and I was really happy since I was the goalie and blocked a lot of goals. After that we set up our tent for an hour which was hard since we didn't have the instructions, so we had to look at the picture and set it up as it looked which was kinda hard since I only had one photo and that was only of half of the tent but in the end it worked out, kinda of. From six to seven we jim roped all together and ate the BEST MANGO EVER!!!!!!! That we had picked out the day earlier on a little excursion with a teacher and the principal. Then from eight to twelve we stayed up, laughed spilled our drinks ate a TON of marshmallows with chocolate. There was only one scary part and it was when we were walking to our tent in the dark and all of a sudden we start to see white light light up all over the forest and then after looking closer we saw they were fireflies, I will always remember that since it was just one of the coolest moments ever. I'm kinda happy my parents didn't come for the part we ate all those marshmallows because then they probably would have put a restriction order on how much I could eat and that would really suck. I also showed them how to make smores and they loved it how you could get sugar crackers, marshmallows and chocolate all in two bites (one I you stretched your'e mouth to the limit). Then finally I got some sleep.

... just kidding it doesn't end there I finally got sleep for an hour I meant to say. After I was woken up after sleeping we went down to the school (since we slept in the forest) we talked to the teachers since they couldn't sleep (since they had to stay up to watch and see if a kid needed anything) and ate MORE marshmallows and talked about what it would be like next year and stuff like that. We also rode our bikes.
Then finally from three to seven we slept and so that made four hours of sleep I slept in total!!!! i'm so excited it's a record high!!!!!! Then from seven to eight we made another fire just to stay warm which wasn't as fun since there weren't any marshmallows involved in any way, then after that from like eight to ten we got our stufffrom the tent (which was hard since it had collapsed some time in the morning then taking it down was also pretty hard) finally after saying goodbye I went home. After I got home there was a baby bird that couldn't fly so we put him in a box and made sure the cats couldn't get him.

a lot of people crashed and here's a piece of juan's brake
Later that day we went with my mom and dad's spanish teacher and his partner to sima las cottoras and had a blast but I was sleeping the whole way there since last night I had gotten four hours of sleep, first we walked around the whole thing and saw some parrots come out, then in the evening we ate and me and mina ate our first habanero seeds and then after in the night we ate MORE marshmallows and told scary stories. The next day we went to aguacero a pretty river with amazing water falls and we played in the river had moss wars fed the fish by sticking bread between our toes and then they would nibble at it. Then sadly after that we had to go home.
From four to five we swam in the pool and had the best water polo game ever! We tied 2-2 while the parents and principal watched and I was really happy since I was the goalie and blocked a lot of goals. After that we set up our tent for an hour which was hard since we didn't have the instructions, so we had to look at the picture and set it up as it looked which was kinda hard since I only had one photo and that was only of half of the tent but in the end it worked out, kinda of. From six to seven we jim roped all together and ate the BEST MANGO EVER!!!!!!! That we had picked out the day earlier on a little excursion with a teacher and the principal. Then from eight to twelve we stayed up, laughed spilled our drinks ate a TON of marshmallows with chocolate. There was only one scary part and it was when we were walking to our tent in the dark and all of a sudden we start to see white light light up all over the forest and then after looking closer we saw they were fireflies, I will always remember that since it was just one of the coolest moments ever. I'm kinda happy my parents didn't come for the part we ate all those marshmallows because then they probably would have put a restriction order on how much I could eat and that would really suck. I also showed them how to make smores and they loved it how you could get sugar crackers, marshmallows and chocolate all in two bites (one I you stretched your'e mouth to the limit). Then finally I got some sleep.

... just kidding it doesn't end there I finally got sleep for an hour I meant to say. After I was woken up after sleeping we went down to the school (since we slept in the forest) we talked to the teachers since they couldn't sleep (since they had to stay up to watch and see if a kid needed anything) and ate MORE marshmallows and talked about what it would be like next year and stuff like that. We also rode our bikes.
Then finally from three to seven we slept and so that made four hours of sleep I slept in total!!!! i'm so excited it's a record high!!!!!! Then from seven to eight we made another fire just to stay warm which wasn't as fun since there weren't any marshmallows involved in any way, then after that from like eight to ten we got our stufffrom the tent (which was hard since it had collapsed some time in the morning then taking it down was also pretty hard) finally after saying goodbye I went home. After I got home there was a baby bird that couldn't fly so we put him in a box and made sure the cats couldn't get him.

a lot of people crashed and here's a piece of juan's brake
Ricardo a funny and really nice friend like's lego and like's to ride his bike.
Juan like's video games cookies and is really funny and one of my best friends.
Claudio is a really nice friend that like's to ride his bike a lot.
Carlos Is in 6th grade and is just kinda weird but can be fun a times.
here's part of our ruined tent with a cool pattern
here's us at sima las cottoras
and here's aguacero
Later that day we went with my mom and dad's spanish teacher and his partner to sima las cottoras and had a blast but I was sleeping the whole way there since last night I had gotten four hours of sleep, first we walked around the whole thing and saw some parrots come out, then in the evening we ate and me and mina ate our first habanero seeds and then after in the night we ate MORE marshmallows and told scary stories. The next day we went to aguacero a pretty river with amazing water falls and we played in the river had moss wars fed the fish by sticking bread between our toes and then they would nibble at it. Then sadly after that we had to go home.
Monday, April 15, 2013
On the first friday after school in a restaurant I broke out with hives. It wasn't so bad except for the fact that it itched a lot. also it actually looked a lot worse than it actually was but it still itched a ton. we went home from the restaurant earlier because it itched a lot which sucked because that restaurant was awesome.
on wednesday night we went to the airport in tuxtla to pick up our frinds josie11 sasha8 and scott and tammi on the way home we ate brownies that I made.We didn't have school any of the days they were here which was fun but as a result didn't get to go to our school and meet our friends.
somewhere before we went to Palenque me and Josie got sick though right before we went I got better and her tummy still hurt but not as bad. It was dark when we got to Palenque because our car needed a little fixing up but that took a longer time than we expected. At Palenque we swam in the three pools, played ping pong, foosball and pool! We also ate awesomely yummy hamburgers between swimming. though poor josie was sick most of the time here are some pictures: (oh and the last picture with the green light is at Lorena's quinceñera since it was a party)
somewhere before we went to Palenque me and Josie got sick though right before we went I got better and her tummy still hurt but not as bad. It was dark when we got to Palenque because our car needed a little fixing up but that took a longer time than we expected. At Palenque we swam in the three pools, played ping pong, foosball and pool! We also ate awesomely yummy hamburgers between swimming. though poor josie was sick most of the time here are some pictures: (oh and the last picture with the green light is at Lorena's quinceñera since it was a party)
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I'll start with when me and my grandparents going to the beach for my birthday. We got there late at night but even after we ate we went down to the beach because we were so excited to see the ocean. Then in the morning after I ate sugar cereal and a chocolate milk ( I hope I don't get diabetes) we ran down the beach and scorched our feet (well at least me and mina) but it was worth it since it amazing every detail of it.( I think i'm watching to many movies) well anyway we stayed in the water more than half the day I think all days and only really got out to go to the bathroom and to eat. then later on in the day we made a huge sand castle with a big moat and then we finally retired for the day to just go to the bar and fill ourselves with 600 ml. of Fanta well that was me at least my mom and dad and grandparents chose 350ml. of beer rather than 600ml. of Fanta! That night we celebrated my sisters birthday just because my grandparents wouldn't be here when we celebrated later and we ate a delicious cake. Then we went to our palapa with nice beds but made sure to shower of first because we were all covered in sand inside and out and speaking of witch I have sand still in my ear right now! The next day I ate toast which I guess was better than the sugar cereal but it had white bread though it was worth it since it tasted really good. Though the brand was bimbo. The second day we got a boogie board and that was really fun so we took turns trying it. later that night we celebrated my birthday and once again ate another amazingly yummy cake and I got some cool presents. Then the next day we had to leave witch was really sad because it was a lot shorter than I would have wanted then again if I had a choice I probably have wanted to stay there forever. Then the thursday after they left I participated in a play at school about how it's bad to cut down trees and stuff like that and then later like at six at night my sisters class danced in the center and then the next day like I didn't have school I had a sleepover with two friends and we watched lord of the rings III and had a lot of fun. Then on saturday and sunday we just relaxed and went to ultimate on sunday. By the way we won't have school for two weeks!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
I signed up for the Escolta (the people who march around with the flag) two days ago. Today, there was a presentation with some other schools, so with five other students I marched with the flag in my hand. We got really fancy uniforms which I liked cause we look sailors in the army. We didn't do awesome but it was totally worth the experience. Here are some photos.
I haven't published anything in a week or so because one of my best friends, Josh, visited us with his mom for several days. We went to Tuxtla on Wednesday night to pick them up and then the next day he came to school with me. It was Valentine's day so everybody was partying. The breakfast didn't seem too good so we just played outside instead. The breakfast was soon supplemented because people brought popcorn and suckers (because of the holiday) so we weren't hungry, and even if we were we didn't notice because we were watching Lord of the Rings. We didn't stay at school the whole day so we went home at like twelve and then played. That night me and Josh slept outside and somehow we slept well through bombas and dogs barking.
On Friday we took a hike to Arcotete through a lot of woods along when we got back we ordered pizza and played the card game Spoons. We also made a fort to sleep under outside and this time my sister joined us. On Saturday we went to some shops, played more spoons and ate cookies between watching Sherlock Holmes, lighting off fireworks and playing 'squeak piggy squeak'. Me and my friend Josh listened to a lot of music including 99 Luftballons (99 red balloons) which thanks to him is now my favorite song and in fact I listened to it like a hundred times while making this blog post. He had to leave really early in the morning, but we still had time to say good bye. THANKS FOR COMING GUYS!!!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
This week was really fun.We didn't have soccer games on saturday so we relaxed a lot the weekend and then a little later on saturday I had my friend Canek. Also I got a ten out of ten on my panda project
but i have to start on my math project soon too. On Monday I talked to my class in the United States and they were just as I had remembered them. On Tuesday we talked about a problem our class had with the P.E. were I whispered something to my friend Ricardo and then the P.E. said to stop saying things about him and he didn't even ask what I had said and he left me homework. then something else happened to some other people so we talked to a teacher and their going to figure it out. Also it's really cool my friend josh is coming in 6 days!!! Finally, I did a art project a couple weeks ago and we made a small city all together I did the army base so here are some pictures and a video of me and my friend canek blowing of bottle rocket.

but i have to start on my math project soon too. On Monday I talked to my class in the United States and they were just as I had remembered them. On Tuesday we talked about a problem our class had with the P.E. were I whispered something to my friend Ricardo and then the P.E. said to stop saying things about him and he didn't even ask what I had said and he left me homework. then something else happened to some other people so we talked to a teacher and their going to figure it out. Also it's really cool my friend josh is coming in 6 days!!! Finally, I did a art project a couple weeks ago and we made a small city all together I did the army base so here are some pictures and a video of me and my friend canek blowing of bottle rocket.
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