Saturday, May 11, 2013

my first school sleepover and our trip to sima las cotorras

On Friday I went to school my backpack filled to the top with marshmallows, chocolate, extra clothes and other stuff. The reason why I was packed with all these things was because I was going to have a sleepover at the school with all my friends and I couldn't miss a chance like that, could I? At nine or so we (all of primary) got into the principal's van and went to los humedales it's like a small lake and they built little tent like things (except more open) around the lake and you do activities and stuff like that I found it kind of boring but that was because we sent two hours in the same activity and it was EXTREMELY BORING!!!!!!!! Then at two we went back to school. Then at two thirty I had my first example of THE BEST FRIJOLES AND CARNE ASADA EVER!!!! ( THE BEST FRIJOLES AND MEAT EVER!!!!) Then from three to three thirty there was a bicycle race which I filmed with the camera my dad lent to me but it's kinda shaky so sorry. Oh everybody crashes well almost everybody and the winner was Claudio my friend I just didn't get the clip of him winning since Carlos crashed.

From four to five we swam in the pool and had the best water polo game ever! We tied 2-2 while the parents and principal watched and I was really happy since I was the goalie and blocked a lot of goals. After that we set up our tent for an hour which was hard since we didn't have the instructions, so we had to look at the picture and set it up as it looked which was kinda hard since I only had one photo and that was only of half of the tent but in the end it worked out, kinda of. From six to seven we jim roped all together and ate the BEST MANGO EVER!!!!!!! That we had picked out the day earlier on a little excursion with a teacher and the principal. Then from eight to twelve we stayed up, laughed spilled our drinks ate a TON of marshmallows with chocolate. There was only one scary part and it was when we were walking to our tent in the dark and all of a sudden we start to see white light light up all over the forest and then after looking closer we saw they were fireflies, I will always remember that since it was just one of the coolest moments ever. I'm kinda happy my parents didn't come for the part we ate all those marshmallows because then they probably would have put a restriction order on how much I could eat and that would really suck. I also showed them how to make smores and they loved it how you could get sugar crackers, marshmallows and chocolate all in two bites (one I you stretched your'e mouth to the limit). Then finally I got some sleep.

... just kidding it doesn't end there I finally got sleep for an hour I meant to say. After I was woken up after sleeping we went down to the school (since we slept in the forest) we talked to the teachers since they couldn't sleep (since they had to stay up to watch and see if a kid needed anything) and ate MORE marshmallows and talked about what it would be like next year and stuff like that. We also rode our bikes.

Then finally from three to seven we slept and so that made four hours of sleep I slept in total!!!! i'm so excited it's a record high!!!!!! Then from seven to eight we made another fire just to stay warm which wasn't as fun since there weren't any marshmallows involved in any way, then after that from like eight to ten we got our stufffrom the tent (which was hard since it had collapsed some time in the morning then taking it down was also pretty hard) finally after saying goodbye I went home. After I got home there was a baby bird that couldn't fly so we put him in a box and made sure the cats couldn't get him.

a lot of people crashed and here's a piece of juan's brake
  Ricardo a funny and really nice friend like's lego and like's to ride his bike.

 Juan like's video games cookies and is really funny and one of my best friends.

 Claudio is a really nice friend that like's to ride his bike a lot.

 Carlos Is in 6th grade and is just kinda weird but can be fun a times.

here's part of our ruined tent with a cool pattern 

 here's us at sima las cottoras

 and here's aguacero

 Later that day we went with my mom and dad's spanish teacher and his partner to sima las cottoras and had a blast but I was sleeping the whole way there since last night I had gotten four hours of sleep, first we walked around the whole thing and saw some parrots come out, then in the evening we ate and me and mina ate our first habanero seeds and then after in the night we ate MORE marshmallows and told scary stories. The next day we went to aguacero a pretty river with amazing water falls and we played in the river had moss wars fed the fish by sticking bread between our toes and then they would nibble at it. Then sadly after that we had to go home.


  1. I forgot all about the boring part in the beginning when I read about the best frijoles and carne asada and best mango and s'mores and all the fun you had at night. Remember that cool moment with the fireflies, Oscar. I hope that I see something like that myself someday.

    Thanks for the good details and the photos. Your post was definitely worth waiting for!


    1. your'e welcome I think i'm going to right another on tomorrow!

  2. Wow! I'm so glad you told us about this. Forget too much marshmellows, this sounds like you had far too much fun, Oscar!

  3. That sounds like the best school sleepover ever. I never got to do something like that in my grade school. I love your photos too.

  4. Sweetie, this is one of my favorite entries of yours. It's full of the enthusiasm and appreciation you bring to every part of your life here! Dad and I are really proud of you!

  5. BEST SLEEPOVER EVER! I never got to do anything like that, either. When I was in school, 8th graders got to go to camp, and I looked forward to it year after year--but then they discontinued it before it was my turn. I'm living through you, Oscar. Thanks for the BEST BLOG POST EVER!

    1. Your'e welcome too bad you didn't get to do any thing :(

  6. everybody enjoy and don't forget to post!
