Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Today we went to the rock climbing gym and we had to get a little ball of newspaper wrapped in some tape and stuck to the wall and we had to get it someway. Each time he makes it harder by putting handicap by saying you can't use hand and foot holds on side of the wood.Sometimes you have yo jump and grab it in the air. Afterward  we watched Mexico face Switzerland in soccer and  luckily it was Mexico who scored and won the game. Then we read and checked our blogs. After that we went to Sam's Club and got some food there and a chair for my mom's back while she worked.

Also here's a picture of the baby.

Each time Jesus, the baby, is dressed up on different occasions. For example, at the funeral and in this picture, he wore a really cute suit and shiny black shoes. In most cases he's wearing normal clothes with  classy shoes. 


  1. Oscar! Thanks for catching us up on your days. I bought some basil yesterday, too. I got a little (really little, like six inches) of it to try to grow it because I like it so much. If I didn't teach I would probably have green teeth. Does Cowjie eat tomato worms? I had a cat that used to eat them...during tomato growing season his breath always smelled of green leaves and the fur around his mouth would be stained green. I would be like that if I could grow Basil. Maybe it's good that I can't?

  2. That baby is better dressed than 99% of American adults!
