Friday, August 24, 2012

Today was really fun. First we woke up and I didn't feel tired. Second when we got to school the pool was warm and also we got do draw and play a lot today. So all in all it was really fun!


  1. Sounds like a relaxed Friday, Oscar. That's a good way to finish your first week of school!

    We've had many hot, dry days here this summer, but all of a sudden the coolness of autumn is here. Jo is up at the lake for her book club, and I'll probably drive up with Jim on Sunday. The lake was pretty warm this month, but I'll bet the water will cool off quickly now. I'll still go for a swim, though, so I'll be able to give you a report.

    Love you,

  2. I love it when I wake up and don't feel tired! Smally and I are still swimming most days unless it's cloudy. He hates swimming if he thinks there's the slightest danger of thunder.
