Thursday, October 25, 2012

On Sunday we ran a 5km road race and had a lot of fun.  We also met a couple from North Caroline and saw how fast other people could run. Toward the end of the race, my feet started to become dull from hitting the ground so often.

On Monday my head kinda itched but I thought it was just because I hadn't taken a shower in a week. I'm also really looking forward to my awesome grandparents visiting.

On Tuesday, my mom was looking through my hair in the morning because I said it still itched a lot and she found some sort of bugs in my hair. When my dad looked it up, we discovered that they were lice. When I got back from school and finished soccer mom started combing my hair again and found a lot of them. Afterward I took a shower just in case.

                                                     Here's the volcano before it exploded.

Here is my volcano exploding 2 different ways.

This is me and my friend who is visiting his old school.

On Wednesday everybody in the school had to present what they had been studying for geography. First we did a practice one while Segundaria cooked for the parents that would come. We were also accompanied by little preschoolers that carried our flags. I was going to do my presentation but a lot of my friends and other people were anxious to see the volcano that I had been working on for the past week. We had a great time eating yummy food like sushi! I was also pretty proud when my volcano exploded.


  1. Awesome volcano! So glad I got to see it. And good luck with the lice--those critters have made the rounds in our school, too.

    Say hi to Granpa Tom and Jojo for me!

  2. Volcanoes and lice...seems like you should be able to use one for a cure for the other, but you have the experience of listening to a lighter and setting your hair on fire, so perhaps you know more about the practicality of that...

  3. Very cool volcano and race. Not so cool about the lice but we've all been there. Shen and I are sitting here admiring how handsome you are! We really miss you guys and love you and we're proud to bits of you. Love Shen and Lynne

  4. I love reading about your adventures - lice and all! Good luck with that, by the way. Such a pain; we had them a few years ago.
    Have a great weekend! Love you, miss you.
