Sunday, July 22, 2012

Today we woke up and went to a funeral but also it was a party.They sang, put down pine needles and candles and then talked and ate food.Then after we went home we played hearts and had lunch.Then all of a sudden we realized that it was 6:40 and that we had a second funeral/party at 7:00 so we hurriedly ate some food and then walked to their house.We were late to the party and used my mom as an excuse that she was sick even though she was.They had a lot of candles too. The son of the father who died was only 8 monsth old and and was really cute. The Mexican here also think it's really funny that I can go cross eyed. Also a Mexican custom is that after  they get to know you they kiss you on the cheek. I think it's cool how different countries have different customs of mourning and parties etc. Also here is a link of someone training an  amazing pig that is less than 1 year old!

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