Tuesday, March 26, 2013

 I'll start with when me and my grandparents going to the beach for my birthday. We got there late at night but even after we ate we went down to the beach because we were so excited to see the ocean. Then in the morning after I ate sugar cereal and a chocolate milk ( I hope I don't get diabetes) we ran down the beach and scorched our feet (well at least me and mina) but it was worth it since it amazing every detail of it.( I think i'm watching to many movies) well anyway we stayed in the water more than half the day I think all days and only really got out to go to the bathroom and to eat. then later on in the day we made a huge sand castle with a big moat and then we finally retired for the day to just go to the bar and fill ourselves with 600 ml. of Fanta well that was me at least my mom and dad and grandparents chose 350ml. of beer rather than 600ml. of Fanta! That night we celebrated my sisters birthday just because my grandparents wouldn't be here when we celebrated later and we ate a delicious cake. Then we went to our palapa with nice beds but made sure to shower of first because we were all covered in sand inside and out and speaking of witch I have sand still in my ear right now! The next day I ate toast which I guess was better than the sugar cereal but it had white bread though  it was worth it since it tasted really good. Though the brand was bimbo. The second day we got a boogie board and that was really fun so we took turns trying it. later that night we celebrated my birthday and once again ate another amazingly yummy cake and I got some cool presents. Then the next day we had to leave witch was really sad because it was a lot shorter than I would have wanted then again if I had a choice I probably have wanted to stay there forever. Then the thursday after they left I participated in a play at school about how it's bad to cut down trees and stuff like that and then later like at six at night my sisters class danced in the center and then the next day like I didn't have school I had a sleepover with two friends and we watched lord of the rings III and had a lot of fun. Then on saturday and sunday we just relaxed and went to ultimate on sunday. By the way we won't have school for two weeks!!!!!!!!!


  1. Your enthusiasm took me right back to the beach, Oscar, and the terrific time we had together. What a great contrast with our usual celebrations of your birthday amid moonscapes in your red rock desert. Campfires (a good tradition to keep), great meals, delicious cakes, pounding surf, but no scorpions (that we saw anyway) ... I think that we all wanted to stay on.

    Love you,
    Papa Tom

    ps I finally got rid of the sand in my ear after we returned to Montana!

    1. thanks I still have some sand in my ear from the beach though, I guess it's just my luck

  2. Awesome trip to the beach! I am SOOOOO envious.

    And...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! When we finally see you again I will have to give you at least 600ml of Fanta to celebrate.

    Lots of love,
    Uncle Keir
